
Central Christian University (CCU) is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for all students. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. This policy outlines CCU’s commitment to preventing ragging and ensuring the safety and well-being of all students.

Ragging includes but is not limited to:

  • Verbal Abuse: Any form of speech or gesture that causes discomfort, humiliation, or distress to another person.
  • Physical Abuse: Any act that causes physical harm or injury to another person.
  • Psychological Abuse: Any behavior that causes emotional or psychological distress, including intimidation, harassment, or bullying.
  • Forced Activities: Compelling someone to perform tasks or activities against their will.

Prevention Measures

  • Awareness Programs: CCU will conduct regular awareness programs to educate students about the dangers of ragging and the importance of maintaining a respectful campus environment.
  • Orientation Sessions: New students will be oriented about the anti-ragging policy during their induction program.
  • Helplines and Counseling: CCU will provide helplines and counseling services for students who need support or wish to report incidents of ragging.

Reporting and Redressal

  • Confidential Reporting: Students can report incidents of ragging confidentially through designated channels.
  • Prompt Action: All reports of ragging will be promptly investigated by a designated committee.
  • Disciplinary Measures: Students found guilty of ragging will face strict disciplinary actions, which may include suspension or expulsion from the university.

  • Students: All students are responsible for fostering a ragging-free environment and must report any incidents they witness or experience.
  • Faculty and Staff: Faculty and staff are responsible for monitoring student behavior and taking immediate action if they observe any form of ragging.

CCU is dedicated to maintaining a campus free from ragging. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to work together to uphold this policy and ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. Any violation of this policy will be dealt with severely, reinforcing CCU’s commitment to a respectful and supportive academic community.

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